Duration 11:56

SVSSS XII - Biology - 4.5 - Human Health and Disease - Immune System

51 watched
Published 17 May 2020

SVSSS XII Biology - Biology - Human Health and Disease - Acquired Immunity 4.5 Duration: 11m55s Lesson Description: This video gives a great overview of the immune system consists of various types of cells and different proteins that kill the harmful invading micro-organisms and protect our body from diseases.It describes the Immune System and explains how it detects and attacks any foreign organism that enters the body Other XII Biology Lessons:/playlist/PLkZaZG_aFvN7s0gRnJjeGpuVLJgVahmIq Other XII Lessons: /playlist/PLkZaZG_aFvN5f0n5S0Ap1xvXa0MsOFitJ About Us: Shrine Vailankanni Sr Sec School (CBSE) in order to engage the XII students in learning during the covid lockdown will be uploading a series of videos to enable learning. Our teachers have used their limited resources to create the videos and we are thankful to them for having risen to the occasion. These are continuation of already learnt topics and the sessions will continue as the school re-opens. SVSSS Class XII can join us on google classroom as per class code sent and timetable sent to you. You can join live lessons with meeting id and pwd sent to you. Our CBSE School: http://www.vailankanni.org Our Cambridge school: https://www.vailankanniglobal.com


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