Duration 1:3:33

Anatomy teaching methods: evolution or extinction

808 watched
Published 11 May 2023

A Talk delivered at the Scientific Forum for Anatomy Histology and Embryology Specialists in Iraq. Arabic and English interactions. There may be a dichotomy between traditional teaching methods and newer, more innovative methods. Will traditional methods continue to be used, or will they be phased out in favor of newer approaches? It's important to remain open-minded and objective when exploring the different approaches to anatomy teaching and weighing the pros and cons of each. طرق تدريس علم التشريح: إما التطور أو الانقراض قد يكون هناك انقسام بين طرق التدريس التقليدية والطرق الأحدث والأكثر ابتكارًا. هل سيستمر استخدام الأساليب التقليدية ، أم سيتم التخلص التدريجي منها لصالح الأساليب الأحدث؟ من المهم أن تظل منفتحًا وموضوعيًا عند استكشاف الأساليب المختلفة لتدريس علم التشريح وموازنة إيجابيات وسلبيات كل منها 00:00 Introducing myself. 02:17 Objectives 04:30 Anatomy reinvented 05:05 IT revolution and education 06:48 To use or not to use technology 08:17 Educational videos 18:57 The era of COVID-19 19:19 Virtual microscopy platforms 20:00 Learning management systems 21:36 Electronic books with practice problems 24:28 Adaptive practice 27:47 Developing critical thinking skills - Kritik 31:40 Team-based learning 32:57 Flipping the classroom 34:40 Interprofessional education 37:51 Chat GPT 44:55 Education in the Metaverse 45:25 Predicting the future of education 47:06 Open discussion Objectives : Emphasize the flexibility of anatomy education to adopt new methods and tools. Provide live examples. Contemplate future advances. Related accounts Twitter https://twitter.com/AkramJaffar Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AnatomyEducation/ SlideShare http://www.slideshare.net/AkramJaffar LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/akram-abo ... Research gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ ... Medtube https://medtube.net/users/akram-jaffar Instagram https://www.instagram.com/akramjaffar Academia https://dal.academia.edu/AkramJaffar


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